Middle Tennessee Region
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Guidelines & Rubric

Regional Stars Apps due- Thursday, January 22nd submit by completing this google form. You will copy and paste the link into browser. 


Regional Star Interviews- Tuesday, January 30 @ Riverdale High School

Star Farmer, Star in Agricultural Placement, Star in Agriscience, and Star in Agribusiness, should complete their state degree application along with the FFA Star Application through the Application Manager on FFA.org.  Please upload both the state degree and star application below. 

 You will still take your State Degrees to the sectional speaking contest. Northern Section will be judged at Lebanon High School and Southern Section will be judged at Eagleville High School. 


Guidelines for Star in Agriscience Summer Major 12/5/2022 491 KB
Checklist Terra Davis 12/14/2022 340 KB



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