Middle Tennessee Region
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Middle TN Livestock-       MTSU  

  * Check in starts at 12:15

  * Contest starts at 1:00 sharp!

Here are a couple of notable updates: 


  • Junior Division- consists of paid FFA members in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grades.
    • In the Junior Division, students will only do the placing of the classes and the keep/cull activity.  There will be NO oral reasons for this division. 
    • This is ONLY a Regional Event. The winning team does not move on or qualify for the state contest.  The winning team will be recognized at the regional banquet.
    • If you have not paid your regional dues, you will need to buy your scantrons ($1 each) when you get to the contest.


  • Senior Division- consists of paid FFA members in 9-12 grade.
    • In the Senior Division, students will complete all 3 components listed in rules
    • The top 4 teams will qualify for the state contest




2024-2025 Middle Tennessee Livestock Evaluation Handbook Terra Davis 7/31/2024 302 KB



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